“If you want to go quickly, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.”

– African Proverb
Trust is the foundation of psychological safety. Trust is the basis of risk taking that leads to successful transformation. An organization is not a collection of resources organized by functions. It is a living collection of teams that thrive, survive or die together. Trust is a leading indicator of organizational resilience and agility.

In one study spanning over 20 years, 58% of respondents say that one "Can't be too careful"  in matters of trust concerning co-workers and management. Gallup states that only about one in three employees surveyed in their database strongly agree that they trust their management. This corresponds well with our Trust Project database where 34.9% of respondents have answered "Yes, definitely" to the question, "Do you trust your manager?"

Please contribute to our ongoing research in this area by taking the assessment - it will take less than 2 minutes.

And clearly this is not something you should take for granted in your organization. Apply this assessment across your organization to find out the level of trust that exists, and have the information needed to map a journey to increasing levels of Trust.
Take the assessment
Step 1

Take the assessment

Be yourself and answer honestly to ffind out your organization's current transformation stance

Step 2

Assess your company

What do your executives and employees really think? Are you making the progress you think you are? Contact us for our corporate tools for measuring, calibrating, and benchmarking your organization.

Step 3

Invite co-workers

Create a more rounded picture of your organization - it's strengths and its areas for improvement - by seeing through the eyes of different people. Share this with your colleagues by using one of the share buttons below, or by copying and sending this link.

Use the complete set of Seven Transformation Imperatives - starting with this one - to comprehensively understand your organization's potential for impactful transformation

Take the assessment